Emergency notification system

Louisiana Tech is using an Emergency Notification System (ENS) provided by the Board of Regents so that students and employees can be notified quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency.

This system will be used for emergency notification purposes only.

Emergency contact information will be collected by Louisiana Tech University and sent to Rave. The information provided to Rave is secure and will not be used for proprietary or non-emergency purposes.

Campus community can be contacted three ways:

  • On-campus voice call – dorm room telephone numbers are in the ENS system
  • Email – University email addresses are in the ENS system
  • Off-Campus/Cell Phone Voice Call, Text Messaging – To enter your cell or off-campus phone number:
    • Log into your BOSS account
    • Under “Personal Info” select “Personal Phone Numbers”
    • Choose a phone number field and enter your off-campus number, then select Type value “Emergency Voice Call” to receive a voice call notification
    • Cell phone numbers with SMS: select Type value “Emergency Text Msg” to receive a text message alert
    • You can use both voice call and text messaging by using two number fields with different Type selections

If you have questions, call Student Affairs at 318.257.2445.